5 Tools to Manage Finances at Startups

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Managing finances is a crucial aspect of running a startup, but it can be overwhelming, especially for those without an accounting background. Fortunately, there are various tools available to help startups manage their finances effectively. In this article, we’ll explore five essential tools that startups can use to streamline their financial processes and manage their finances efficiently.

5 tools to manage finances at startups

1. QuickBooks

QuickBooks is an accounting software designed to help businesses manage their finances. It is one of the most popular accounting tools used by startups and small businesses. QuickBooks allows users to track income and expenses, create and send invoices, and manage payroll, among other features.

One of the significant advantages of using QuickBooks is that it is user-friendly, even for those without an accounting background. It also integrates with other tools like PayPal, Square, and Shopify, making it easy to manage all financial transactions in one place. QuickBooks also provides insightful reports, making it easier for startups to understand their financial position.

2. Xero

Xero is another popular accounting software designed for small businesses and startups. Like QuickBooks, Xero allows users to manage their finances, track expenses, create invoices, and manage payroll. One of the unique features of Xero is its ability to handle multi-currency transactions, which can be beneficial for startups with international clients.

Add these sentences: You can also adapt business banking platforms that provide a range of financial services to small businesses. For instance, Novo allows businesses to connect with their accounting software, including Xero and QuickBooks, for seamless integration.

Xero also integrates with other tools like PayPal and Stripe, making it easy to manage all financial transactions in one place. Another significant advantage of using Xero is its mobile app, which allows users to access their finances on the go.

3. Expensify

Expensify is a tool that helps startups manage their expenses effectively. It allows users to scan receipts, track expenses, and create expense reports. Expensify also integrates with other tools like QuickBooks and Xero, making it easy to manage all financial transactions in one place.

Expensify is especially useful for startups with remote employees or those that require frequent travel. It allows employees to submit expenses from anywhere, reducing the need for manual processes like spreadsheets and paperwork.


Gusto is a tool that helps startups manage their payroll and benefits. It allows users to automate payroll processes, manage employee benefits, and file payroll taxes. Gusto also integrates with other tools like QuickBooks and Xero, making it easy to manage all financial transactions in one place.

Gusto is especially useful for startups with growing teams. It allows them to streamline their payroll processes, reduce errors, and ensure compliance with payroll taxes and regulations. Gusto also provides employees with self-service portals, allowing them to manage their personal information and access their pay stubs.

5. Wave

Wave is a free accounting software designed for small businesses and startups. It allows users to track income and expenses, create and send invoices, and manage payroll. Wave also provides users with insightful reports, making it easier to understand their financial position.

One of the significant advantages of using Wave is its affordability. It is entirely free, with no hidden costs or fees. However, certain features, such as payroll, are only available with paid plans. In addition to the above tools, startups can also benefit from outsourcing their back office operations to a company like Levy. They handle HR, finance, compliance, and equity for startups, allowing startup founders to focus on their core business.

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In today’s fast-paced business world, startups need to stay ahead of the competition, and managing finances is an integral part of that process. With the help of advanced tools, startups can easily track and manage their finances, save time, and stay on top of their financial health.

QuickBooks and Xero are two of the most popular accounting tools used by startups. They allow businesses to manage their finances, track expenses, create invoices, and manage payroll. Expensify, on the other hand, is an expense management tool that helps startups track and report expenses. By automating expense reporting, startups can save time and reduce errors.

For startups with growing teams, managing payroll can be a significant challenge. Gusto is a tool that can help manage payroll and benefits. It allows businesses to automate payroll processes, manage employee benefits, and file payroll taxes. By using Gusto, startups can streamline their payroll processes, reduce errors, and ensure compliance with payroll taxes and regulations.

Wave is a free accounting software designed for small businesses and startups. It allows users to track income and expenses, create and send invoices, and manage payroll.


Managing finances can be a daunting task for startups, especially for those without an accounting background. However, with the right tools, startups can manage their finances effectively and efficiently. QuickBooks, Xero, Expensify, Gusto, and Wave are five such tools that can help startups manage their finances and streamline their financial processes. By using these tools, startups can focus on what they do best, growing their business.

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