How to Derive the Most Out of Analyzing Your Website?

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Let’s look at the big picture. Why do you need to analyze your website? Are you looking into this just because it’s what everybody else seems to be doing? Perhaps you stumbled upon this article looking for a step-by-step guide. 

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4 Ways to Derive the Most Out of Analyzing Your Website

There are many technical aspects to site analysis, and if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t it. Here, we’ll guide you on how to analyze your site the right way. Here are some important steps:

1. Set Your Goals

Don’t just analyze your website because it’s on your calendar; you need a clear objective. Perhaps you’re noticing a high bounce rate or a drop in organic traffic. Either way, having a goal in mind will help you focus your approach.

2. Map Your Path

Having a baseline will give you a direction, which will help you map out the journey. If you’re looking to use ads to lead visitors through your sales funnel, define all the steps. After that, find out where people are dropping out and improve that step.

3. Measure

Now’s the time to dig deeper into the data. Look at your numbers and compare them with industry standards. Let’s use the example above – a measurement you might want to focus on is user behavior on the site. Heatmaps and recordings are helpful here.

4. Brainstorm for Causes and Solutions

What are the potential causes for such an issue? Is it bad UI or UX? Are meta tags displaying incorrect information? Once you find the root of the problem, resolving it will be the easy part.

Read: 6 Reasons A Bad Website Can Cause Irrevocable Damage To Your Business  

What’s Next?

Do you think the job is done? Well, implementing your changes isn’t the final step. Testing and iteration are a big part of the journey, and will lead to your end goal – optimization! 

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