Spreading The Word: How To Find A Social Media Influencer For Your Business

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The average person spends 116 minutes on social media every day. If there’s 16 waking hours in a day, people are spending 12.5% of their time scrolling through a newsfeed. 

People use social media to connect with friends, get news updates, and for entertainment. As a business owner, social media can help you engage with your customers. 

The question is, what’s the best way to attract new customers to your business?

You might find a solution in a social media influencer. Read on to learn how to hire an influencer so you can try this highly effective marketing strategy for yourself. 

Start with a Hashtag Search

A good strategy to find top social media influencers is to search for your brand on social media. You can search your company name, branded hashtags, or common industry terms. 

If your company has an active social presence, you can simply search your hashtags. If there are already people posting positive things about your brand, those are great potential influencers. 

If your business is relatively new to social media, you can search for general industry keywords like health and wellness or cookware. From there, you can look for people whose accounts align with your brand. You want your influencers to match the age, lifestyle, and tone of your target audience. 

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Try Google Research

If you understand your target audience, good old Google research can be a big help. First make a list of your target audience’s hobbies, interests, and problems. 

This can point you towards Instagram hashtags, LinkedIn groups, and even Reddit conversations. From there you can learn about websites, blogs, and other resources your audience uses. You can usually spot influencers here. 

Then you can look at their social media accounts to see their followers, average engagement, and activity. 

Use an Influencer Platform

Another way to find an influencer is to use a marketplace platform. These are websites where influencers offer their services as well as an upfront price. If you’re new to influencer marketing, this will give you an idea of the kind of budget you’ll need.

This is one of the easiest ways to find willing influencers. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to do your own research. Hiring the first influencer you find isn’t always the best option. 

Take the time to research their audience and the type of content they post. It’s better to find an influencer that’s a good fit rather than the one with the most followers. 

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Try Social Media Influencer Marketing Today

A social media influencer can introduce your product to your ideal audience. Unlike traditional website and social media ads, influencer marketing can make your brand more approachable.

As long as you choose the right influencer for your brand, it can make a huge difference in your bottom line. If your target audience spends a lot of time on social media, influencer marketing can be very effective. 

To find more tips on marketing your company, check out our articles on business.

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